Monday, October 26, 2009

Tourist's Report on Heritage Key

Heritage Key although still in a virtual world, seems to me to be a lot less active than Second Life. As I teleported from one place to another, I did not notice much action going on here at all. I actually only saw one person and the whole visit and they were asleep standing up, obviously away from their computer. I eventually took the balloon ride and teleported to the area in which King Tut is buried except I could not get into any of the entrances because they were all blocked off. This inhibited me from being able to make any significant observations. Again, Heritage Key seems to be a lot less active than Second Life but as I'm sure as I do more research on King Tut and his tomb there will be more to observe and more to take note of.


  1. I agree with you that it seems alot less active, but I think that's because its relatively new. Maybe in the near future it will become more popular then Second Life but they are going to have to fix some of it's glitches.

    I saw a person too, except we didn't talk to each other. I wonder if it was someone from our class?

    Wait, I'm confused. You weren't able to get into his tomb area? That's weird I didn't know they could close it.

  2. Chelsea makes a good point about how new this virtual world is. However, I was able to get into the tomb, but I was unable to get back into the hot air balloon after visiting the tomb.
