I know from past experiences that interactive computer life can be addictive. For instance, Facebook. I have had a Facebook for about four years and have checked for new wall posts from friends, new tagged pictures, or even just recently added photos or status updates from my friends everyday for in total, no less than two hours. I would consider this an addictive habit. On some days even, I would say that I am on Facebook for even more than two hours. When I should be doing homework or writing a paper or doing research I find myself constantly getting distracted by this evil social network. No matter how much I say it is great because I can keep in contact with my friends and family, sometimes I believe that Facebook does more bad than good.
One problem is, Facebook is not even as interactive as Second Life. The more applications and more sociable you can be with people I feel as though the more addicted one could get. Especially due to the fact that you can meet people in almost human form and talk to them and interact with them on the spot makes this whole world so much more addictive. I do not know all of the facts about Second Life however I feel that this whole virtual world could be very time consuming and that time can literally fly by if you are not careful. It is extremely easy to get locked up on trying to figure out what you want your avatar to look like and all of those minor details can add up. Once you have this figured out, those are only minor details then you get into everything else that Second Life has to offer and exploring this virtual world is a process in itself. Something new can appear every day! You can travel somewhere else everyday and learn something new; it is like living in the real world except you are glued to your computer. That’s why I want to know how addictive this can be.